With the cold air settling in, you’re likely running your furnace regularly to warm your home. This means you need to be vigilant and pay attention to the signs that something might be wrong with your heating system. Here are the common signs to look out for to know when you need a heating repair.
- Increased Energy Bills – One of the most common signs is that your energy bills have increased. If your bills have increased significantly, your system is working harder than it needs to and could benefit from a heating repair.
- You Hear Weird Sounds – You shouldn’t hear any odd noises from your running furnace. You may need a heating repair if you start hearing strange noises like banging, thumping, rumbling, or whistling. Depending on the noise, it could mean there is a screw loose, or something has become unsecured.
- Uneven Temperatures – Another common sign you need a heating repair is that you have noticed uneven temperatures around your home. If different rooms are warmer than others or you’ve noticed cold spots in your home, there is something wrong with your heating system.
- There Are Bad Smells – You shouldn’t notice any smells when your heater is running. So, if you start to smell something foul, it could mean something is burning, or something is wrong with the system. Schedule a heating repair right away if you smell something burning.
If you notice any of these signs or suspect something else is wrong with your heating system, don’t wait to call for help. Schedule an appointment with our team of experts right away to keep your home comfortable.